Fragments... ...Words

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Fragments and all its contents © sailoreagle.

You'll recognize the character if you're familiar with the stories I write.
Yes, I know the conclusion sucks. I'll have to rewrite it, and that's why this is on here and not among my finished stories.

The mornings are always the worst for her. Never a morning person, always forced awake before dawn by her duties - first classes, then teaching, then now-- but there had been a time, a happy time, when rising early was not a burden for her, she remembers. How long ago? Years flee, one after another, too quickly, especially when-- oh, but she had been happy. But now... time is a burden for her, just as she is a burden for time. Happiness was too long ago, buried by the years now, only vaguely remembered, like a dream...
So many people long for what she has. Ah, but they do not know, they would not believe what a curse it is to be her. How could they? They have not been through the years. They think it's easy, she sees it in their eyes. They think she is lucky. Priviledged. Blessed. But they do not know.
She is alone, as she always is. Even the Elements no longer come, now, unless she calls them. And they do not seem to understand why she is so unhappy. She doesn't blame them. After all, they always have been. It's normal for them. But she is only human... only human.
They say she's a demon now, the people who secretly envy her. A demon, at least partly so. How else could she have what she does? How else could she be so different from them? Inhuman, they say. Monstrous. Demonic.
But she would give all she has for a shard of what they have. A small piece, a fragment of normality. Something, maybe, to let her finally die.
But she would not be able to explain, to make them understand. Maybe it's true, she is no longer human. Maybe the weight of the years has finally destroyed what little was remaining of her heart and her soul. Her humanity is now gone. Why else would she loathe having what each and every human being longed to have?
"Good morning, Lady."
She nods in response to the curtsy, almost distractedly, and keeps walking. Good morning... such a cold greeting, always hiding something. Envy, scorn, distrust, hate... she can see it in the eyes of those who greet her, she can feel it in them, the power she tries to keep buried often resurfacing with a strength that always surprises her.

"Oh... good morning, Ali!"
"Good morning, 'Leah. Already awake?"
She grits her teeth and tries to push away the memory, to bury it again under all the years that have passed. No use remembering past happiness now, it will only hurt her more. How foolish to think that she could keep forever what she had held for just one fleeting moment.
But now she knows better. She holds the world in her hands, but she has nothing worth keeping. She wouldn't wish what she has on her worst enemy.
Immortal life.
A blessing?
A curse, more like it.

[ 1/11/2002 07:40:34 PM | ]

Of course, the names in this fragment are not the names I will use if I ever write this story. I suck at finding decent, meaningful names for my characters.

"Good, we're all agreed then." Ventus signalled to one of the guards, who stepped forward and roughly pushed Ters towards the edge of the floating platform. "You should never have come here." Ventus grabbed Ters' chin, forcing him to look up, and sneered. "Did you really think you could defeat everybody in the Castle of Air singlehandedly? On our territory? Not even on your own territory, with all your powers as the Lord of Earth, you would have managed. What a fool you are." He let go and turned his back on him. "Throw him down."


Ters looked up, recognizing the voice. It seemed so long ago since they had last met... and she was so changed. Her eyes were light grey now, and her long hair was loose, no longer braided. He realized now the reason she had always kept it tied... to hide the silver streak that marked her as the Lady of Air. Looking at her now, he couldn't believe he hadn't known her for what she was. It was so obvious.
She wrapped her cloak tightly around herself, shivering in the cold morning air. "Ventus. You can't kill him."
"Aëre... you should not be here. You're still weak."
"Yes, and I would be dead if it wasn't for him. Ventus, he saved my life. You can't kill him."
"Even if that's true--"
"It is."
"He did not know you were the Lady of Air. Had he known, he wouldn't have done it."
"Perhaps. But I knew he was the Lord of Earth, and I trusted him with my life anyway. I still do. You can't kill him." She turned to the guards. "Untie him."
"You can't--"
"I can. I am the Lady of Air. I take the decisions here." She sighed. "Ventus, can't you see? He came here to search for me. He was worried for me, he thought I was in danger."
"Yes. I did not know you were the Lady of Air. I was worried for you." Ters stepped forward to join them, rubbing his wrists where the ropes had been. "You could have told me."
She looked sadly at him. "I meant to... but I had no time. They took me away too quickly. I'm sorry for hiding this from you for so long." She turned back to the other man. "Ventus, can't you see? This is not the time to fight amongst ourselves. We should form an alliance between all the Elements. We have a common enemy, one we can't hope to defeat without joining our forces."
Ventus looked dubious. "It may be so, but--"
Ters put a hand on Aëre's shoulder. "I agree with her. Aëre, you used your full powers in the fight against Nerus, right?" She nodded mutely, and he turned his eyes back to Ventus. "So did I. And yet, our combined powers were not enough. Aëre nearly died, and as for me, I do not know how I survived. We need to form an alliance if we want to defeat him."

[ 1/7/2002 01:07:39 PM | ]