February 29, 2004

An introduction

Well, hello there. Welcome to my new mIRC scripting blog. :) Here is your chance to learn a little bit about me, in what will probably be the only entry which won't contain any scripts.
I have been IRCing for three years and a bit. I first started IRCing on a network I'm not going to name (I'll be damned if I give them any more publicity, positive or negative) in the summer of 2000, and even spent a few months as an IRCop there (May 2003 - October 2003). This lasted until I left the network following disagreements with the upper management, and went on to start a new network, Serenity-IRC, where I now am a senior IRC operator.
My interest in mIRC scripting is relatively new: although I had scripted a few things previously, I only really took an interest in it in the last months of 2003. Because of this, although I learn quickly, I'm not the end all be all of scripting - there are still many things I don't know how to do, simply because I've never tried to do them, even if I'm learning more every day.
Oh, yes, and I'm female - figured I'd mention this, since apparently I'm a rarity in the world of mIRC scripting, or so I've been told.
Well, that's enough about me - I hope you will enjoy the snippets I will post here. :)

Posted by sailoreagle at February 29, 2004 02:27 AM | General