March 24, 2004

Power check

A self-serving alias more than an useful one, but I was bored and wanted to try and script something like this. :) This alias, when you type /power, will display the amount of channels you have ops, halfops, voice, or are a regular user in across all channels and networks... [read more]

Category: Scripts

March 20, 2004

Nickflood kickban, revolving door ban

This first snippet will kickban somebody from all channels you have ops in if they change their nick three times in 30 seconds. The ban is temporary (60 seconds). on *:NICK: { inc -u30 $+(%,$wildsite,.nflood) if ($($+(%,$wildsite,.nflood),2) >= 3) { var %ch = $comchan($newnick,0) while (%ch) { if ($comchan($newnick,%ch).op) {... [read more]

Category: Scripts

March 05, 2004

Multi-server status logging

Getting mIRC to properly put status logfiles in their respective network's folder. [read more]

Category: Tutorials

March 03, 2004

Space woes

A curious case of spaces not being collapsed properly when using $strip on a text string containing a control code between two spaces, and how to fix the problems this causes. [read more]

Category: Tutorials