February 29, 2004

IRCop scanner

A script based on /who output, which will show which users in a channel are IRCops. [read more]

Category: Scripts

/mass - the next generation

A second version of the mass opping and voicing alias, with added features. [read more]

Category: Scripts

Mass opping and voicing

An alias to op, voice, deop or devoice several people at the same time, while keeping the mode changes on as few lines as possible. [read more]

Category: Scripts

Hop all channels

Part and rejoin all channels you are in with a single command. [read more]

Category: Scripts

An introduction

Well, hello there. Welcome to my new mIRC scripting blog. :) Here is your chance to learn a little bit about me, in what will probably be the only entry which won't contain any scripts. I have been IRCing for three years and a bit. I first started IRCing on... [read more]

Category: General