Oy. What a day. I

Oy. What a day. I leave for my singing lesson late, because I got distracted and didn't look at the time... and about halfway on the road there, I find construction workers and a big roadblock barring my way. Okay, fine, I'll just follow the convenient "alternative route" signs... right? Wrong. I got lost. **; Wandered around the countryside for a bit, managed to get back to the roadblock, phoned home to get support from my father (who knows the roads better than I do, not to mention he had a map and I didn't...). Found a way around the roadblock, got to my singing lesson an hour late. But I could have my lesson anyway, phew.
Then I find out my singing teacher's pregnant... I'm happy for her, but she was the last person I expected to get pregnant. **;
After the singing lesson I drive home, and decide to stop by the comic store... and find the One Piece Color Walk 1 artbook... and of course I had to buy it. With my lunch money for next week. **; I'm glad my brother owed me money, or I would've had to skip lunch every day next week. As it is I'll have to be careful how much I spend... ^^;

¤ May 30, 2003 08:32 PM ¤


You got to love those alternative routes. I wonder who comes up with them? They are likely devious little men in small offices with nothing better to do with their time than amuse themselves by putting people as far out of their ways as possible.

Posted by: Tony at June 1, 2003 03:49 PM