So. Well. My mood's definitely

So. Well. My mood's definitely improving. How I know? Well, a happy eagle is a writing eagle. I'd been writer's blocked for months and right now, my hand is hurting because I just got done scrawling down 8 full notebook pages of story. :D I managed to fully rewrite the introduction / first scene to my NaNovel 2002, also throwing in some worldbuilding notes for good measure (history, geography, culture, and the like). And done some more character building. And fixed several inconsistencies. Damn, this feels good. :D

¤ May 29, 2003 03:38 PM ¤



I should do some writing that isn't exam notes. Grrr. Stupid exams...

Posted by: CyberFish at May 30, 2003 01:16 PM