Feeling oddly detached, don't know

Feeling oddly detached, don't know why. Almost... out of touch with life.
Today at lunchtime the computer room was occupied by a teacher and his class, grumble... so I couldn't be online much, just half an hour or so. I wandered around the city a bit instead, and, just my luck, found several photo occasions... just today that I forgot my digicam at home. --;
Been drooling after some LotR sword replicas on sale at a comic/game store here... there's Glamdring, Sting, the sword of the Witchking, Narsil, Aragorn's ranger sword... I haven't even dared ask how much they cost, they're clearly way out of my league. (But I've looked online. Definitely out of my league. I could buy one, but I'd be completely broke afterwards. Heh.) That and my parents would freak if I bought one.
Oh yeh, forgot to mention... met an old friend on the train this morning... one of my old Scouts leaders, to be precise. She's not much older than me. She apparently works here and takes the same train I take each Monday... I've never seen her, which is odd, as there aren't many people taking that same train. Eh well. We decided to meet on Saturday to have a little chat (the train was noisy, and I was sleepy, so we couldn't talk much). Looking forward to it, I hadn't seen her for a while.

¤ May 12, 2003 04:23 PM ¤
