Mrh... well that was nice.

Mrh... well that was nice. Just had a nice chat with two coworkers about stuff. Yeah, just random stuff... got an invitation to go have lunch at the house of one of them sometimes next week, then the conversation went from allergies to singing (and opera in general) to manga to my websites. They looked at my websites, complimented me on them, said maybe I could help them tidy up the website of the magazine... yay. Maybe I'll do it, maybe it'll turn out to be nothing, but either way it was nice.
Quite warm today, +29 °C last I checked. Makes me want to go curl up outside in the sun and doze, or maybe read a book... it was nice this morning when I was waiting for this place to open to be sitting in the park, reading, with the morning sun warming my back. Now that it's warm enough I do it almost every morning.
Still can't write, but I'm getting better... getting decent work done on the second draft of my NaNovel 2002, which is nice. I need to force myself to write, push out feelings into writing, I have so many story ideas that are just sitting there unused... it's a waste. Hopefully I won't be so tired this evening that I'll be without the will to write again. Mreh.
How much do you want to bet that mother dearest reads this and whines at me for blogging during worktime? XP

¤ May 7, 2003 03:25 PM ¤
