Hmpf. So. Slept all of

Hmpf. So.
Slept all of three hours last night, had to finish a paper that was almost done when my computer somehow chewed up the file. So I stayed up until 4am to finish it, then had to get up at 7am to come here to uni, because I have a meeting at 10am and the only train that allows me to get here in time (an hour early, 9am) is at 8am. (The next one would be at 11am. Grrr, stupid trains.) I am SO going to crash when I get back home. I'll curl up on the sofa and SLEEP. I just hope I can stay non-zombie through the meeting.
What else... went to see The Ring yesterday, at last. (BEFORE my computer chewed up my paper, before you call me irresponsible.) It was good. I liked the original better, to be honest, because it was more subtly creepy, while the remake aimed more for directly scary, and in my opinion explained a bit too much... but it was good anyway.
One minor gripe, though not with the movie itself: the Italian poster for the movie has a pretty big spoiler on it. Gah. Stupid promoters.
Oh, and in the cinema with me there was a bunch of youngsters, who screamed and jumped and whimpered and gasped at each scary or creepy scene, then laughed nervously to pretend they weren't really scared. Quite amusing, but annoying at the same time.

¤ March 17, 2003 10:00 AM ¤
