Snowing again. Really small snowflakes

Snowing again. Really small snowflakes this time, but I'm hoping they'll get bigger and that by tomorrow the landscape around here will be all white.
Of course, this time, the cats are staying inside, looking distrustfully at the snow outside. Hehe.

Over the past few days I got some of the packages I was expecting, such as the CDs from Bird (many thanks - I'll watch the episodes / listen to the songs next week, when I'm not trying to muster up the will to study for an exam I never wanted to do in the first place =_= and when I stop having the new CD I just got yesterday on repeat ^^;).
I also got Laura Pausini's CD "From the inside" (which is the CD I mentioned that's been on repeat for a while). I've been a fan of Laura Pausini since she debuted in 1993 at the Sanremo festival here in Italy, and I have all her albums (most on cassette, though, it's only recently that I managed to get a CDplayer for my room). I even managed to go to one of her concerts last year.
This new CD of hers comes out here in Italy on the 17th of this month, but of course I had to get the import... couldn't wait. Hehe. I'm not disappointed, it's a great CD... some songs are English covers of songs she'd already sung in Italian, but most are new, and great (IMHO). I especially like "Surrender", "You are" and "Every little thing you do" (especially the piano/vocal only version). It's very worth buying. Poke me on IRC or something if you want a few samples.

¤ January 9, 2003 12:52 PM ¤


Hope you like the CDs. I still need to sit down and watch Chobits. ^^;

Posted by: Bird at January 12, 2003 08:46 PM