So my brother got a

So my brother got a tin of custard powder as a Christmas present from our aunt, uncle etc.
So after dinner mom says, let's try making a bit of it. Ok, says my brother, and starts making it.
The instructions on the tin were, 2 tablespoons of the powder, one tablespoon of sugar, 568ml of milk. Mom suggested making a small amount of it - halving the doses or so, she said.
So what does he do?
4 tablespoons of the powder; 2 tablespoons of sugar; and 200ml (at most) of milk.
He and mom are upstairs trying to sort out the Goop From Hell now. Mom's glaring, my brother's looking awfully embarassed, I ran downstairs to post this and laugh. Hee.

¤ December 24, 2002 09:49 PM ¤


Heheh. Schadenfreude is sweet.

Posted by: CyberFish at December 25, 2002 10:01 PM