\o/ Heheh. To think

NaNoWriMo 2002 Winner

Heheh. To think that less than a week ago I was hopelessly behind on wordcount. And well, look at me now.
W00T! :D

Okay. So. If any of you want to read what I've written, leave a comment (with your email address) or drop me an email, and I'll send the thing to you. (If I know you decently enough, anyway. Not going to give my novel out to read to perfect strangers. I want to get this published someday, and giving it out to everybody and their little dog would be counterproductive.)
Just keep in mind this:
- The story is not finished. It's either barely halfway through or not even halfway through. I'm definitely going to continue it, I think it's going to last another 50K words at least. So, read at your own risk. ;)
- This is a first draft. There's going to be a lot of crap, and a lot of problems with the storytelling. (One known problem is the beginning, it's too hurried... you'll see if you read.)
- If you read it, I'm expecting comments and suggestions.

Many thanks to everybody who beared with me in this past almost-a-month of frantic writing. \o/

¤ November 27, 2002 11:54 PM ¤



Really, I'm impressed. You 0wn so much.

Posted by: CyberFish at October 28, 2002 12:16 AM

I know I shouldn't double-post here, but I don't think I managed to express myself properly.

*pouncetacklehugs sailoreagle and doesn't let go*

Posted by: CyberFish at October 28, 2002 12:18 AM

Hehe. :D *hug*

Thank you. Really, I couldn't have made it without a Sworn Enemy to chase. (Even if you were the one who ended up chasing, as you still have to finish. ;)) I would just have given up the first time I got stuck, like I did last year.
o/ I AM DONE! o/

Posted by: sailoreagle at October 28, 2002 01:09 AM

Fantasy. ^^

Posted by: sailoreagle at October 28, 2002 12:19 PM

congrats ne!! *throws confetti*

what genre is yer novel? If it catches my fancy, I might wanna read it XD

Posted by: reins at October 28, 2002 12:48 PM

Congrats and damn, you type a lot. ^_^

Posted by: Rosiel at October 28, 2002 05:40 PM

Hee. Thanks. ^^

Posted by: sailoreagle at October 28, 2002 06:20 PM

I wouldn't mind reading it, if a stranger may ask... =)

Posted by: Nyx at October 28, 2002 07:42 PM

me vuole XD

Posted by: Misato-san at October 30, 2002 05:19 PM