Hee. This I have to

Hee. This I have to post. Mom is a teacher, yeah? And she was correcting tests. One of the kittens went to her, jumped in her lap and started demanding to be hugged. Mom of course couldn't cuddle the kitten, so the following scene ensued... I didn't see anything, there's a monitor between me and mom; but my hearing works fine, and this is what I heard.
"No, sorry kitty but I can't cuddle you right now... no, don't sit on the keyboard... ARGH, NO, don't chew on the tests! What will I say to the students? That I chewed on them out of desperation?"

¤ October 20, 2002 08:09 PM ¤


And the kittens get away with it because they're just so cute.

The number of homeworks I've handed in with cat footprints on...

Posted by: CyberFish at October 20, 2002 09:32 PM