Hm... it just hit me

Hm... it just hit me that I'm not free to do what I choose with my afternoons anymore. On almost all days of the week (except Wednesday and Friday, not counting the weekend) I can't afford to stop at a bookstore, or miss the train home, because I have to go to volleyball training (and I can't not be there, since I'm a trainer and not a trainee).
Mind you, I don't mind going to volleyball training. It does get tiring, though, that my first really free moments in the day come after dinner. Even back in middle school and high school, when I had lots of activities I participated in, I was always done by 6-6:30pm at most. It's a bit bleh when I'd want to do something else with my time (like stop at that bookstore in this city which carries English books... I can only do that on Wednesdays now).

¤ October 14, 2002 11:56 AM ¤
