Yeow. PAIN. x.x I started

Yeow. PAIN. x.x I started volleyball again yesterday, after two years of not playing it. I'm now an apprentice trainer, so I don't do as much work as the actual players, but still, I exercised all sorts of muscles and did a bunch of movements I hadn't done for two years. And this morning I of course woke up cramped to hell and back. But it was fun - and even though I'm sitting here hunched over because if I sit up my shoulder muscles hurt, I'm actually happy. ^^

It's been a very odd past few weeks, with new things starting, old things starting again, and meetings with people I used to know.
It started when I met an old highschool classmate on the train, one of the two I could actually consider my friends, on my way to work experience. It was nice, if a bit awkward... the usual pleasantries were exchanged, you know, "how are you", "I'm fine and you?", "how is university going", etc. Then she bluntly asked me, "do you have any drawings to show me?" I used to draw a lot in highschool... was never very good at it, to be honest, they were just badly drawn manga-style things. I've never been good at putting images in my head in drawing form. But her question made me regret having stopped. I still draw sometimes, mostly just silly things done in five minutes to amuse my friends, but nothing much. I could've told her that I write more than I draw now, I could've shown her some of my stories, but I didn't. I don't know why. The train reached our destination, and we said bye and went our separate ways, not before she mentioned she was still in touch with the other girl I considered my friend back in highschool, and that she'd tell her she'd met me.
A few days after that, I met that second girl in the train station. We didn't say much to each other - we both were in a hurry to catch our train - but she mentioned to me that she was studying at the same university I was originally planning to go to. If I'd gone to that same university, maybe I could've kept in touch with her, kept being friends with her... I dunno.
Then, a few days ago, I met a third classmate from highschool on the train. This one wasn't a friend, just an acquaintance, but I recognized her instantly anyway. We didn't talk, just waved to each other. But I remembered a million details about her... what she used to wear in gym class, the sound of her voice, what she looked like when she frowned, when angry, when happy, the exact position of her body when playing volleyball... a million details, except for a minor one. You'd think I'd remember the name of a person I saw daily for five years, even if it's been two years since. But nooo. I eventually had to jog my memory in the evening, by checking a list of classmates' names I had in one of my highschool diaries.
Then, also this past week, I started singing in the choir, and it's a great new thing to start, the feeling of being in a group and doing something as a group.
And yesterday I started volleyball again, and I'm now assistant trainer to my old trainer, and it's amusing, and a nice feeling, to see that she hasn't changed a bit since I first met her, ten years ago. She's still the same. Some things never change.

(No, I don't know what the point of this post is. I needed to get it down somehow, and so I did, even if it's not the most eloquent or interesting post I've ever written. Maybe I'll elaborate on this some more later, I dunno.)

¤ October 9, 2002 01:02 PM ¤
