Design #2104354739 It's a bracelet!

¤ October 1, 2002 02:29 PM ¤


You know what I love about this? Sometimes you get things that are really deep and meaningful, like "Nightmares is a dog collar that doesn't distract you from your work, has a built-in alarm clock and knows your name." Or "Loneliness is a featureless cube that doesn't distract you from your work! It sounds better than it looks and tells you when people are lying." And then, sometimes you get utter gibberish like "Reality is a mousemat that has been blessed by a priest!"

Posted by: CyberFish at October 1, 2002 11:29 PM

I'm a great proponent of, and hence, I hope, expert at spotting false profundity, but this seems to have bridged the gap to true insight. I don't think there's any way to deny the essential truth of "Charm is a burglar alarm that works in the rain! It helps the medicine go down and speaks with the voice of James Earl Jones."

If creativity is merely a random flow of ideas from which we select the most appropriate, can this truly be said to have any less phliosophical worth than a work of man?

Posted by: Ishy at October 2, 2002 07:35 AM