What happens when I have

What happens when I have to remember something but can't write it down on a piece of paper because I know that the piece of paper will end up being forgotten (or I simply don't have paper)? I write it down on my hand, right.
So apparently today I have lots of stuff to remember. I have website addresses and reminders not only on my palm, but also on my fingers. In marker, to boot, because I couldn't find a pen which will write decently (mine ran out this morning when I was scribbling notes on a new character I thought of on the train, grr, must remember to buy a new pen...). This will take forever to clean off. And who wants to bet that by the time I get home this evening I'll have writing on my wrist too?
Oh well. At least I won't forget anything. ^^v

¤ September 30, 2002 02:02 PM ¤
