Woohoo. I found a version

Woohoo. I found a version of fixedsys with € support. \o/ (click on "package" in that page to download) So now I can keep my fixedsys font (after two years of IRCing, I'm used to it, all other fonts look icky) and have € support. \o/
(Yes, I'm weird, I know. :p)

¤ September 6, 2002 02:25 PM ¤


Can you believe I haven't updated a single font yet? I keep seeing little square thingies whenever our beloved (yeah, right) currency is mentioned.

Posted by: Ruby at September 6, 2002 09:18 PM

Oops. Forgot to close that i tag... :(

Posted by: Ruby at September 6, 2002 09:19 PM

Hehe. I updated the fonts simply because my brother did so, and I could steal the files off him. Otherwise, I would still be here with fonts that are €-less. I'm laaaaaaaazy ^^;

Posted by: sailoreagle at September 6, 2002 11:57 PM