Oh yeah, almost forgot to

Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention in all the excitement for the €900 job (WOOHOO!!!)... I met up with my old volleyball trainer this morning (er, Thursday morning, since it's Friday already... yeah, I'm staying up again). I hadn't seen her in a year or so because, because of university, I'd had to stop playing volleyball two years ago... one year ago I worked as a referee for them, but last year I couldn't do it. Anyway, she basically said that I could work with them as an "assistant trainer", either for 11-13 yr old girls or for elementary school kids, and then if I like it they'll send me on a course for trainers so I can be a trainer proper and have my own small group of girls to train. Well, w00t. \o/

¤ August 23, 2002 01:32 AM ¤


lol *imagines you teaching* "no rage is p0w3r!" :p

Posted by: d0om at August 23, 2002 09:07 PM