Hmpf. So. Woke up this

Hmpf. So. Woke up this morning with the cold from hell. Sore throat, stuffy nose, the whole nine yards. Was supposed to go to work this morning, but I really don't feel like it. Even my dad suggested that I stay home instead. So home I stayed, with a stuffy runny nose, a really sore throat, and a really cranky mood. I should call work so they email me the stuff I've been working on so I can work on it some more from home, but I can't be arsed. I'm feeling much too shitty. I could just go back to bed and fall asleep, but I'm trying to keep myself awake because sleeping during the day isn't good for me, it fucks up my sleeping times.
But I have two kittens in my lap right now, and they're purring and being affectionate, and that somehow makes it all okay.

¤ July 19, 2002 09:32 AM ¤
