Dad came back from Cambridge

Dad came back from Cambridge (he was there for work) and brought me some books. Three of which I already had. ^^; Now I dunno what I'll do with them... I'll give them to friends or something. Not his fault if he didn't know I already had them... I do have a load of books, and it's difficult for my parents to keep track of what I have and what not. I did get Neverwhere (I already have it in Italian, but I like reading books in English if they've been written in that language originally, translations can suck), Good Omens and Stardust. I'd mentioned to him that I like Neil Gaiman, and he remembered. ^^

Hrhm. I should start a booklog, perhaps. I read so much, and I need somewhere to talk about the books I've read. I could just do it here, I suppose, but a booklog would be more focused... dunno. I'll think about it.

(Speaking of books, read The Handmaid's Tale. Bloody good. Freaky, but good.)

¤ July 14, 2002 03:14 PM ¤


You should pick up Coraline. I got it, was short but very interesting.

Posted by: Rosiel at July 15, 2002 12:39 AM

I'm planning to, but it's difficult for me to get my hands on it now because it's rather new. I'll have to wait until next time my parents agree to lend me their credit card so I can order it online, or until I visit the bookstore which carries English books in the city next to mine and see that they have it.

Posted by: sailoreagle at July 15, 2002 11:57 AM