Went to get my new

Went to get my new kitten this afternoon. One kitten is good...

...two kittens are better. :D

Yep, I got two kittens and not one. :D

They're both dark grey, one female and one male. The male is slightly lighter in color than the female, and the female has a white spot under her chin.
My brother named the male - Orione - and I named the female - Luna.

:D Kittens are great.

Oh, and we introduced them to our other cat... this old neutered male that's been with us just about forever.
The male kitten couldn't care less, the female kitten got all worked up, hissed and swiped at the old cat...
...and the old cat, which is easily twice the size of the kitten, RAN. :D
I think we have a new ruler in the house.

¤ June 22, 2002 08:20 PM ¤
