If the fuckwit sitting on

If the fuckwit sitting on my left doesn't quit looking at my screen I'm going to slap the fuck out of him. YES YOU MORON SITTING ON MY LEFT IN THE COMPUTER ROOM AT UNI RIGHT NOW, THIS MEANS YOU. GO AWAY.
A huge pile of photocopies (213 pages... ugh) to study for Principles of Marketing, when the teacher had said that we didn't need to get the textbook and that the only things we'd need to know for the exam were the things he explained in class. Fucker. I feel sick... ugh.
Worrying for a friend + a huge pile of stuff to do = sick me.
Wish I could just go home. But I have a class to go to. Ugh...

¤ June 7, 2002 02:34 PM ¤
