Oh yeah, almost forgot to

Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention... know why it rocks that we have a Spanish teacher who is more or less our age (she's some 5 or 6 years older than me)?
Because then me and my best RL friend (and the rest of our classmates as well, but they usually don't dare) can pull stuff like this when doing exercises:
(Translation in italics right under each line, as I doubt everyone who reads my blog speaks Spanish. I'm also not going to bother with accents, just fyi.)

Consejos para salir de una depresion
Suggestions to get out of depression

* Es necesario que comas una porcion biblica de helado.
* It's necessary that you eat a biblic serving of ice cream.

* Es importante que vayas con tus amigos a ver un strip show.
* It's important that you go with your friends to see a strip show.

* Es aconsejable que hagas sufrir tu pejor nemigo para obtener una perversa satisfaccion.
* It's advisable that you make your worst enemy suffer to obtain perverse satisfaction.

* Es util que vayas a ir de compras con la targeta de credito de tu padre.
* It's useful that you go shopping with your father's credit card.

* Es bueno que busques un objecto fragil para romperlo.
* It's good that you search for a fragile object to break it. (yes, we were running out of ideas :p)

Yes, we're nuts, yes, we enjoy it a lot. \o/

¤ May 28, 2002 09:22 PM ¤


*blinks, reads through post again, vows to pay more attention in future*

Posted by: CyberFish at May 29, 2002 06:46 PM

I love the bit about the enemy... :ebil: ^^

Posted by: thanos at May 30, 2002 04:57 PM