Oh, yeah, and a thing

Oh, yeah, and a thing about Episode II that I almost forgot: the cliches. My God, the cliches. No, really, the whole "we're in love but we can't love each other oh my oh dear woe woe woe angst angst angst oh I know we'll just keep it secret but we can't yes we can yes we will" thing is so old. So is the tired "dashing hero runs to save his mom and has her die in his arms and goes berserk because of that" thing.
It had potential, but they tried to shovel so much Angst on it that it all felt fake.

¤ May 18, 2002 11:47 PM ¤



Posted by: StarStreaks at May 18, 2002 11:58 PM

oro? It deleted my post. x_+ Yea. Basically it was a rant about how the old Star Wars was so good and the new episodes suck. e.e; Go read the books.

Posted by: StarStreaks at May 18, 2002 11:59 PM

It was most likely the < that did it. You tried to post the >< smiley at the start, yeah?

Posted by: sailoreagle at May 19, 2002 12:27 AM