Saw Episode II this afternoon.

Saw Episode II this afternoon. It was... meh. Normal, I guess. Not brilliant.
I wanted to smack Anakin for constantly thinking with his hormones, and I wanted to shoot JarJar Binks the few times he appeared onscreen. The plot was... well, it made sense if you'd seen the rest of the Star Wars movies, IMHO. Otherwise, it was just a big jumble of stuff that ended up being a bit confusing (it was confusing for my mom, for example).
But stars, Yoda fucking kicked ass. \o/ That was brilliant.

¤ May 18, 2002 10:06 PM ¤


Anakin's supposed to be a little brat; he doesn't know how and doesn't want to grow. And as powerful as he is...alas.

Yoda rocked both the lightsaber fight and in his Omar Bradley impression.

Posted by: Icchan at May 18, 2002 11:21 PM

Jar Jar wasn't bad - what was irritating about him in the first movie was his Kray-Zee slapstick nonsense. Without that, he's just another character with a silly voice.

The really annoying character in this one was 3-CPO, who appears to have been turned into a metallic punning JarJar. Bah.

Posted by: Monbee at May 18, 2002 11:29 PM

Ah, but you see, Icchan, little brats get on my nerves... ;p

Posted by: sailoreagle at May 19, 2002 12:31 AM