Icchan (in comments): the problems

Icchan (in comments): the problems start when my friends are having enough problems themselves so piling up MY problems on them also would be selfish, or when I'm called selfish for simply being upset, or when I know that if I vent I'll hurt my friends... the list goes on. There are times when I can't lean on my friends, no matter how much I need support, and it appears that this time is one of those times. :(
Hopefully when my best friend comes back from his trip in a couple days and when my other close friend stops having shit in his life things will be better...

¤ May 16, 2002 08:44 PM ¤


As long as you don't pile stuff up on them, they'll be okay. Get AIM or something already. ^_^

Posted by: Icchan at May 17, 2002 03:19 AM