Covers for Anne McCaffrey's books.

Covers for Anne McCaffrey's books. Heh. Some of those covers (well, most of them) are downright fugly... not to mention untrue to the books. I'm glad now that the Pern books are all out of print over here in Italy, so I'm getting the English versions (best covers ever \o/ the only ones I don't like so far are the Dragonsong and Dragonsinger ones, the dragons look a bit too... well, thready, I can't find any other word to describe them). Plus the translations suck, if the translation of All The Weyrs Of Pern (which was the only one I could find in Italian) is anything to go by. Ick.

¤ May 11, 2002 06:10 PM ¤


The dragons on the book covers are getting weirder and uglier.

I love the picture of Ruth on All the Weyrs of Pern the most out of all the others. In that picture he has a dangerous beauty. I would be exctatic if all future pictures would be in the same form.

Posted by: Caylyn at August 12, 2003 01:20 AM