Funny how the weather reflects

Funny how the weather reflects my mood sometimes. Or maybe it's my mood that reflects the weather, or it's just a coincidence... And after all, why should rain always equal being miserable? Rain can be beautiful too. But not when you're miserable, so I probably interpret the weather according to my mood...
Where was I? Oh, yes. I've been in a miserable mood all week, since last Wednesday. It poured every day. The worst day, when I was feeling absolutely horrible, it rained so hard you couldn't see 50cm in front of your nose.
But today... today was a beautiful day. Sunny, warm, bright, with blue sky and music in the air. You know those days that are just so? Today was one of those days.
And yes, I went to sleep happy yesterday, woke up happy, and continued being happy throughout the day. I'm still feeling happy now.
Actually, happy doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling... but it will have to do.
Maybe life will go back to being Good.

¤ May 7, 2002 10:37 PM ¤
