...I'll go collapse later, I

...I'll go collapse later, I have another rant.
You know those wonderful spring days? When the air is scented of flowers, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the sky is blue...
...and the roads of Italian cities are full of students on school trips? -_-# Fucking HELL they are a pain in the ass.
I am hungry as hell, but I'm skipping lunch today. Why?
Okay, imagine this scenario. I finish the exam, and go to the nearest place where I can eat, ie. McDonald's, to eat something. I go inside, and there's a truckload of screaming kids and loudly talking students, probably over a hundred, and the teachers are queuing to order food. "...No way I'll eat here", I think, and go look for another place to eat. Well, all the places where I could eat without spending a lot of money I don't have are in the same situation, even the bar at the station. Augh. It would take me two hours just to ORDER - nevermind eat. And the train is at 1:57pm, and I have no intention of missing the train just to eat. I'll eat at home.

¤ March 22, 2002 01:18 PM ¤
