Have you ever met the

Have you ever met the Evil Bastard Devil Exam From Hell? I'm sure you have.
You know that exam when the whole class takes a look at the questions and simultaneously goes, "fuck!"? You know that exam that you're supposed to do in two hours, and the teacher graciously allows you three, and you know you won't make it anyway? You know that exam where, halfway through, the only thing you can think about is how your hand hurts like fuck from all the writing and you wish you were ambidexterous so you could switch hands sometimes? You know that exam where, after it ends, you have blisters on your hand from writing too much? You know that exam where, even when the teacher finally agrees to allow you three hours and a half, you know you won't have time to stop and think, not even for a second? You know that exam where half of the questions are on stuff that wasn't in the textbook and that you know the teacher didn't say because you did not miss one lesson? You know that exam where the teacher (who isn't the class teacher, but another teacher, since the class teacher didn't even deign to come to the exam) finally takes pity on you and your classmates and allows you to discuss questions, ask for help, look at other people's answers, and all that?
I can't believe I survived. Excuse me, I'll just go collapse in that corner over there now. x.x

¤ March 22, 2002 01:02 PM ¤


Those exams are GREAT, aren't they? In a perverse "Woohoo! I conquered the mountain!" kinda way. I loved those kinds of exams. They make you strong.

Posted by: GBM at March 22, 2002 06:08 PM

Strong? Maybe. Dead? For sure.

Posted by: sailoreagle at March 22, 2002 07:37 PM