Mmmh. So tomorrow I have

Mmmh. So tomorrow I have a test/exam in my Writing for Journalism class.
(Yes, it's still unclear whether it is a test or an exam. The teacher wants this to count towards our final grade, but technically she couldn't be able to do that. We should have a final exam and that's it. She says she has to ask the uni's main seat (in Rome) whether it's all right for her to do this or not. I honestly hope they say "hell no". It is not fair of that teacher to do this kind of shit. -_- Anyway.)
The test is, as I've already mentioned, on what's happened in the world since we started the class... in politics, that's it. Ick ick ick ick. I'm bad with names, I'm bad with dates, I'm bad with law, I'm bad with all of that kind of stuff. Plus some questions based on the textbook, plus we will have to write an article on a subject she will give us. All of this in three hours. And she still has to tell us how to write articles properly, by the way. What sort of a Writing for Journalism class is this, I wonder...
And yes, I am not ready at all for that test. How can I be ready for it? How can anybody be ready for something like that?
I still have to read this week's newspapers, too, and summarize them. And do a comparison on how the different newspapers are treating the case of the interests conflict (dunno if you non-Italians have heard about it... Berlusconi crap). And answer some questions.
Oh I am so screwed. ;_; *whimpers*

¤ February 19, 2002 06:24 PM ¤
