See, I'm currently single (and

See, I'm currently single (and happy this way), so I don't really have any reason to celebrate Valentine's Day. Except... my mom gave me a good suggestion (for once). "Since you don't have a boyfriend, use this day for your friends", she said.
I'm not going to name names, because I know that, if I do, I will forget to name somebody who deserves to be named. I'm stupid like that. I'm also terrible with words when it comes to expressing my own feelings, so this will probably sound stupid as hell.
But I just wanted to say... well, to all my friends, thank you. Thank you for all the times you dropped what you were doing to listen to me cry and to try and cheer me up, thank you for all the times you made me smile or laugh when I needed to, thank you for all the encouragement you gave me... thank you for everything. I wouldn't be where I am now without you. Thank you.

¤ February 14, 2002 02:50 PM ¤
