And while I'm in a

And while I'm in a serious mood... I had this dream a short time ago (couple of weeks, something like that).
I was walking in my town's square, and it was completely deserted - no cars, no people, and the buildings that normally house shops were empty too, and were not shops. It was like I was seeing my town's square in the past. And I was walking with somebody... a friend, I think, though I do not remember who, I do not even remember their gender, nor anything else about them. And I suddenly found I could fly... well, it was more like swimming in the air, really, or floating, but I remember the sensation of freedom was incredible. So I turned to the person who was with me and said, "look, I can fly!", and they replied, "don't be silly, humans can't fly". And I slowly floated down to the ground and found I could not fly anymore.
What d'you reckon that means?

¤ February 2, 2002 10:03 PM ¤


i'm not a dream expert, but i do know that flying means you want to escape something in the real world. and the friend that held you back may mean that you feel that people are holding you back in real life from stuff you really want to do. the fact that you can't recognize who it is symbolizes that it might be more than one person.

^^ that's my explication, but you can believe whatever you want.

Posted by: haniya at February 5, 2002 03:09 AM