Oh yeah... Lord of the

Oh yeah... Lord of the Rings.
Apart from the obvious squealing over Aragorn and Legolas (that bit when Legolas drew an arrow, stabbed an orc thing with it, and then shot it at another orc thing was great!) [please note: I've been an Aragorn and a Legolas fangirl since I read the books. I was about 10 then. I'm almost 20 now. I'm not a movie fangirl. Thank you.]...
I liked Bilbo, Frodo and the hobbits in general. Hobbiton and the Shire were very well done. Merry and Pippin reminded me a little of Fred & George Weasley, oddly enough. (Help, I think I'm HP corrupted.)
I liked Gandalf a lot too. (He's another of my favourite characters, even if of course he doesn't elicit fangirlish squeals... :P) I liked it when he "threatened" Bilbo, and the magic battle with Saruman was good. I heard some people complain that it wasn't "flashy" enough, but I think it was perfect as it was. It was more a battle of wills than a battle of magic powers, and if there had been lightning and sparks and flares and shit like that it wouldn't have been as effective (not to mention it would've made Gandalf a Token Powerful Wizard™, when he most certainly is not).
What else... Galadriel was cool, and the whole scene when Frodo offers her the Ring. And speaking of the Ring, I liked the different world when Frodo put it on, and the Eye of Sauron scared the crap out of me when I first saw it. (Past Sauron, however, did not scare me at all. He was a tad too... well, robot-like. ^^;;;) And Bilbo when Frodo refused to let him touch the Ring one last time... eek. Balrog was very cool. So were the Orcs and Uruk-hai and all the other monster things. Saruman was deliciously evil.
Aragorn and Boromir looked maybe a tad too much alike. I didn't have any trouble recognizing them, but my parents did so *shrug*
Oh, I cried when Gandalf "died", when Boromir died, and when Sam chased Frodo. Me = softy at heart. Heheh.
The scenery was wonderful, and all the places looked like I'd imagined them from the book. The characters, too.
And that is all for now.

¤ January 20, 2002 04:51 AM ¤
