Oh yeah... I was heading

Oh yeah... I was heading to the train station this morning and I was stopped by a nice-looking lady.
Nice-looking lady: "Excuse me, miss, do you have a minute?"
Me: "*blinks* Er... yes?"
Lady: "Did you know that all of these tragic facts that have been happening recently were prophetized in the Bible?"
Me: "*pause, thinking 'oh dear, why do I get all the religious freaks...'* Erm.. no."
Lady: "Do you ever read the Bible?"
Me: "*thinking 'oh, no, a Jehovah's Witness...'* Sometimes." (<-- lie)
Lady: "Oh, are you not interested in God?"
Me: "*sweatdrop* Err... no no, it's just that I don't have time, unfortunately... I'm a student, you see, so I don't have much time to do anything else but study. It's a pity, really, and I try to find some time to read the Bible whenever I can, but often I just don't have time." (<-- another lie)
Lady: "Oh that's a pity... Say, can I give you a flyer? I know it can be difficult to understand what the Bible says even if you read it... So you can read the flyer and if you're interested we can help you study the Bible when you have time..."
Me: "*another sweatdrop, wanting to end the conversation* Er, okay, give me the flyer and I'll think about it."
Lady: "*gives me the flyer* Good luck with your studies, and don't forget to make room for God in your life!"
Seriously. Why do I get all the religious freaks... what's the point in trying to convince somebody else to accept your beliefs, anyway?

¤ January 16, 2002 02:51 PM ¤


mah .. che poi l'interpretazione che danno i testimoni di geova sulla bibbia e' tutta campata in aria... -_-

Posted by: Hikaru at January 17, 2002 09:48 AM