Had my first "Writing for

Had my first "Writing for Journalism" class today... it is somewhat interesting, but the teacher also requires us to read at least one entire newspaper every day and then each week in class she'll quiz us on what happened during the week. --;; I mean come on. Politics is boring, so's economy, so are sports (except volleyball).

And today in her class I finally snapped. You see, there's this obnoxious guy who's been bothering me since I started uni, taking my things and breaking them, or hiding them, things like that. Kindergarten behaviour, you know. I've lost count of the times I've told him to fuck off before I did something he would regret, but evidently he's so stupid he doesn't even recognize a threat when he sees one. So today in class he took my bag and started rummaging in it. I told him to give it back, he didn't and instead took a pen and started trying to break it. I told him again, "give it back", loud enough to get the teacher's attention. He ignored me again, so I smacked him on the head (lightly) and told him a third time to give me my bag back. He didn't. I slapped him. Not as hard as I wanted to - I wanted to slap him so hard that his cheek would sting for days, but I can't be too violent in class can I? - but still enough to make him angry enough to break my pen. (And it was new, too. --;; Fuck him.)
The teacher asked him why did he break my pen.
He said, "she slapped me".
The teacher said, "yes, I saw. You took her bag and didn't want to give it back."
"She could've asked", said the moron.
"I asked. Multiple times." I said. And then I burst into tears, which kinda ruined the effect, but oh well. The teacher sent the obnoxious guy out of the classroom and we resumed the lesson.

¤ January 9, 2002 12:32 PM ¤
