Heh. Neil Gaiman likes them

Heh. Neil Gaiman likes them Moleskine notebooks too. I have several of them... four or five I think. One good thing about Italy, they sell l33t notebooks.

¤ September 26, 2001 04:22 PM ¤


I had an iBook, neat, white, light, distinctive and gadget-hungry (I had plenty of Apple gadgets...). Then one day I fell in love with a Hermes Baby portable typewriter with european keyboard. Sold my iBook and all the gadgets. Then I feel in love with a moleskine notebook. It fits in the typewriter metal case. No software. No conectivity. No batteries. No accessories. No virus. No upgrade. Accepts recicled paper. FREEDOM!

Posted by: Alberto at December 9, 2003 04:59 PM