For all my non-enlightened friends

For all my non-enlightened friends who are wondering what a "glomp" is: (found here, yes I still lurk on that board)

A proper glomp goes as so!

01: See the object of affection.
02: Shout it's name as loud as you can. Always accentuate the vowels, and remember!: from your throat, not your gut!
03: Run at top speed towards said object of affection. 100+ miles and hour is a minimum.
04: One nanosecond before hitting object of affection, open arms.
05: Crash.
06: Squeeze.
07: Gush the most mush-filled phrase you can.

That's about it from what I've seen. Cited examples are Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon) and Miaka Yuuki (Fushigi Yuugi).

A similar thing I usually do is the pouncetacklehug. ;D (Though some people *cough* you know who you are *cough* still try to dodge. ;)

¤ October 25, 2001 01:06 PM ¤
