I still can't help but

I still can't help but be amazed by my university friends sometimes. I guess it's because I was more or less a social outcast in high school... but having RL friends of my age who care about the stories I write and constantly bug me to write more, who don't laugh at me when I say that I like reading and manga and classical music, who have my same sense of humour (and the same guttermind ^^;)... well, it's something I never had before.

Add to that interesting subjects; teachers who have a sense of humour and laugh with you, and tease back when you tease them, and care about you and notice if you're not feeling good and tell you to go home and rest; and a nice city the university is in, with a comic shop and a candy shop and four bookshops extremely close to the university, and you have a damn good university. XD

Even if sometimes the breaks between classes are too long, and the dean (who is also the Sociology and Creative Psychology teacher) is fucking nuts.

¤ November 23, 2001 12:07 PM ¤
