B3h0ld my l33tn3ss.

So. It appears I've turned into a l33t computer know-it-all here at work. (Now if only it was real work, and not just an internship, and I got paid. Heh. At least I get university credit out of this, and experience...)

I removed Bugbear.B from their computers, I fixed a Microsoft Word SNAFU, I'm making a website for them (slowly, because they can't seem to make up their mind on what they want on it, but at least the layout is ready - and has been praised to the sky, a simple neat CSS-and-two-frames layout, imagine that), I've fixed another bunch of tiny problems with their computers.

And now I'm typesetting a book for them. With Microsoft Word.


At least, they trust and respect me, and it shows. That's good. Right?

¤ June 18, 2003 12:11 PM ¤


Gogo Action SE! \o/

Posted by: Fred Chook at June 18, 2003 12:39 PM