
Well. Stayed up until 4am finishing Harry Potter, which was dumb in retrospect but meh.

More coherent commentary when I'm feeling less dumb with sleep and more awake, and my brother's let go of the book so I can have it in front of me when commenting, but for now...

(Here be spoilers.)


She killed off Sirius Black.

She. killed off. Sirius Black.


*kicks the book out of the window and whimpers*

My favourite character just had to be the one to kick the bucket, eh?

¤ June 22, 2003 12:36 PM ¤


Was the dumbity the assessment of the book or the late hours?

Posted by: Nyx at June 22, 2003 11:30 PM

(This comment probably contains SPOILERS, read at your own risk.) [/obligatory warning]
The late hours, in the context of that sentence, but that was because the book itself was a bit dumb. I normally don't mind staying up late to finish books, but this one didn't feel like it had been worth it when I finished it. First thought to cross my mind was "well? that's it?"... felt pretty empty. Lots of words, little content. Rowling could benefit from a proofreader who knows what they're doing (things like "Sirius's" make me cringe), from an editor who knows when something should be cut out, and from less contrived plot elements. I mean, it seemed that every time the plot was slightly stuck there was an argument, the DADA teacher being a bitch or a memory to kick it forward. And the prophecy at the end was really, really obvious. And Sirius' death... ok, the idea of death's door wasn't bad, but if you had death's door in a place, wouldn't you put up some sort of protection around it? A shield of some sort, or even just a fence? Just so people don't trip and fall through it? :p
It wasn't bad, for what it was, but it wasn't brilliant either. It felt a bit empty.

Posted by: sailoreagle at June 23, 2003 10:27 AM

Oh good. I'm not the only person who swore at the "James's". And I totally agree with everything you've written, and you expressed it far better than I could, because I'm still fuming she killed off my favourite character.

And the whole idea of Sirius death being due to him taking a lucky shot and tripping is just NOT helping. At all.

Posted by: Lyn at June 24, 2003 08:18 AM